A reader doesn’t need to like all the characters in your book, but they want to understand what makes them tick. They want to learn more about them. They want to know what motivates them. They want to follow them on their journey. They want to see them evolve and realize their arc. And when […]
Archive | Writer’s Corner
Writer’s Corner: The Distinction Between Middle Grade and Young Adult Books: And Why It Matters
As writers and readers are quickly learning, there’s a muddiness that’s seeping into distinguishing between middle grade and young adult. It’s not to say that’s a problem, it’s a compliment to the ever maturing and expanding audience of readers and clever writers. It only becomes an issue when submitting it to agents and publishers. And it […]
When I Finally Called Myself a “Writer”
While my full-time job is not in the writing world, thankfully, it does provide a plethora of options to scratch this creative itch—writing books, articles, and posts. But here I am, in my side hustle as “a creative writer.” Yes, I have had some luck getting published, but it was long before that success that […]
Writer’s Corner: The Ingredients of a Best-Selling Book
If it isn’t already obvious, a best-seller is one that is read far and wide and has a lengthy lifespan. But there are so many factors that must first come into play to get your book on the best-selling list. Often one or more of them are pivotal factors that launch your book to the […]
Writer’s Corner: Is “New Adult” Still a Thing?
Young Adult book sales have soared over the past two decades, probably because they appeal to a wide range of readers, from tweens to octogenarians. While authors in this genre typically target ages twelve to eighteen, they capture a much broader and older audience. And with the category being vast in topics and audience, a […]
Writer’s Corner: Tips For Writing a Great Author’s Bio
Every element of your book submission needs to be on point. From the pitch to the query to the bio and the book. Of course, your story is your primary driver, but remember, readers also like to engage with the author. They’re curious about you and your background, and they are interested in learning what […]
Writer’s Corner: How a Literary Agent Has Your Back
You’ve written a best-selling book. Now what? The first thing you’ll probably do is shop it around to publishers that specialize in your genre. Seems logical. But as you get ready to pitch your book you quicky discover that most publishing houses “accept agented queries only.” And this is for a reason. Literary agents are […]
Writer’s Corner: Great Resources for Writers
I love finding new resources to support my work as a writer. While sites that inspire are certainly subjective and there are many resources out there that are too numerous to quantify in this blog, here are some of my favorites: Writer’s Digest. The online and physical digest contains market updates, competitions and articles from […]