Tag Archives | fiction

A Desperate Hope

It’s 1908 in New York City and Eloise Drake is putting her math genius to work for the state water board as an accountant. When she is assigned to return to her hometown to assess properties that are to be demolished she soon finds herself at a crossroads. Her intent to maintain a strictly professional […]

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Raise Your Hand

It’s scary to speak up. And when you raise your hand in class and give the wrong answer, it makes you think twice about speaking up again. This is how eleven-year-old Alice Paul Tapper felt when she raised her hand in school. After ruminating on this embarrassing classroom situation she talked with her mom who […]

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The Elite: A Selection Novel

America Singer has made it to the Elite group—the finalists in the pursuit of the hand of Prince Maxon. As she is ensconced into the palace and the royal lifestyle, America faces head on what life might be like to be queen, including competition and bitterness from her rivals and the ever present threat of […]

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Ten Cents a Dance

Times are hard, and fifteen-year-old Ruby Jacinksi is forced to quit school and work at a meat packing plant to support her sister and ill mother. But Ruby’s life changes dramatically when Paulie, a handsome young man with a terrible reputation, takes an interest in her and encourages her to pursue a job at the […]

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Website by John Wierenga