Tag Archives | Publishing

Writer’s Corner: 6 Helpful Tips for Creating Goal, Motivation, & Conflict

Your protagonist wants something, for a compelling reason, and needs to break through all barriers to get it.  Ah, the ol’ GMC. For some, it’s a struggle, for others, it’s a breeze. While I’m no expert, I’ve gathered pearls of wisdom on the subject and plan to share more as I continue my learning journey. But one […]

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Stepping Into the Negative Space

From posting your child’s graduation picture on Facebook, to sharing a business win on LinkedIn, there will be backlash. Whatever the reason, social media invites negativity. Thoughtless commentary and hurtful, snarky remarks go hand in hand with stepping into the social media space. Now, imagine this from the author’s perspective. Readers are very interested in “seeing” you, hearing […]

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Website by John Wierenga