Eight Weeks to Optimum Health

Eight Weeks to Optimum Health

I’m probably one of Dr. Andrew Weil’s biggest fans. Or maybe I should say, one of his first fans. When I was quite young, I was honored to attend a small launch party for one of his upcoming books. Being that there were only ten people there, and I was the only guest (my sister’s company hosted the event and she knew I adored him), I was lucky enough to sit to his right all evening long. What was so great about this evening was that I got to know not only know the man behind his mission, but also what inspired him to turn his medical practice into one of holistic inclusivity fusing integrative medicine, alternative practices and true healthy living. I’d brought along with me to this dinner my worn copy of Eight Weeks for his autograph, and he commented positively on the copious notes, highlights and tabs I still turn to in search of guidance, inspiration and solutions. And trust me, I believe whole-heartedly that you will share the same admiration for this man and his work, once you open his books.

Yes, I’ve read them all and would recommend starting with Eight Weeks to Optimum Health (though it isn’t his first book).

The reason why I suggest starting here is that this better health book is laid out so nicely for where you are at. Whether you are seasoned and experienced in holistic living or if you’re unfortunately repressed by an illness, Weil walks you through his journey and personal transformation and the compelling and science-based reasons for positive lifestyle changes.

Then week by week he offers small, easy to do, changes that will transform your health and life. Little changes are not hard to manage, especially when they are all laid out for you, including offering healthier substitutes, supplements and recipes all along the way. And this isn’t a one-and-done book. I’ve not only reread this book several times to help me get back on track, but also as a reference. Along with his insightful website, Eight Weeks has lists of holistic remedies that you can try (with approval of your physician, of course).

I realize that my review was much more about the author than his works. But coming from that angle, I want to drive home the point that this is a man who has dedicated his life to helping the world find a better path. And for me, anyone who is kind and willing to share and listen—even to someone who was probably rambling all dinner long—is the kind of practitioner that I trust. Oh, and did I mention he is a Harvard M.D., just in case you were curious. Bottom line, if you care about your health, I would highly recommend Eight Weeks to Optimum Health as an integral part of your library.

Source: Purchased

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