Tag Archives | Productivity

6 Reasons to Start a Journal

You might call it a planner, a task-keeper, a thought jotter, or yes, even a diary. However you reference it, this handheld log is a journal in some form. Many use it to take notes from books, meetings, and training, while others use it to compile goals, lists, and to-dos. Others tend to write and […]

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Mom’s Eat First: 5 Principles to Prioritize Yourself and Create the Change You Crave

If you’re a caregiver, this is your survival handbook. Written by a single mom, who’s faced her share of tragedies and setbacks, it’s not only an inspirational read, but a how-to manual for reprioritizing what matters most. Kathy Sullivan is a board-certified coach and PROSCI Certified Change Management Practitioner. She’s banked a successful climb up […]

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Author Q&A With Kathy Sullivan

Kathy Sullivan is an innovative leader and educator focused on helping clients build organizational cultures that drive positive change through people, processes, and performance. Partner to small business owners and executive leaders, aligning business strategy with talent through effective OD strategies, to improve accountability and organizational performance. She is also a mom and author of […]

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6 Creative Gifts for the Kid in You

No one outgrows their love of fun—at least, I sure hope not. So, why not embrace it? Time for creative expression vastly improves one’s health. You don’t need to spend your time producing a work of art, rather, a leisurely fifteen minutes or so with Crayola and a coloring page is enough to provide a […]

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Website by John Wierenga