Tag Archives | Productivity

Author Q&A With Jenny Mitchell

Jenny Mitchell, CFRE, DMA, CEC is the Chief Visionary Officer of Chavender where she works closely with leaders to change the world one mission at a time. She is a dynamic speaker, executive coach, fundraising professional, and host of the Underdog Leadership podcast. She is also the author of Embracing Ambition: Empowering Women to Step […]

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Author Q&A With Heidi Beierle

In 2010, Heidi Beierle had just finished her first year of graduate studies in community and regional planning and decided to pedal her bicycle solo from her home on the West Coast across rural America to the Preserving the Historic Road conference in Washington, D.C. Along the way, Heidi was surprised by the kindness of strangers and the emotional […]

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Rewire Your Anxious Brain: How to use the neuroscience of fear to end anxiety, panic & worry

The world is rapidly changing. So are humans. One characteristic growing at an untenable speed is the number of people struggling with anxiety. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “An estimated 19.1% of U.S. adults had any anxiety disorder in the past year.” With that being said, books focusing on understanding and managing […]

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Advice From Pros: Meg Gaertner

Meg Gaertner is the Managing Editor for fiction books at Jolly Fish Press and Flux (North Star Editions) where she currently acquires and edits young adult and middle grade novels. Though Meg’s first career choice was in the medical field, her trajectory changed when she rediscovered her love for writing. She went on to earn her MFA in […]

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Fantastic Online Courses for Authors and Writers

The busy life of a writer and author leaves little time for learning. Still, continuous improvement and professional development is critical in any professional endeavor. It’s important that authors interact with their fans, friends, fellows, and industry professionals. But it’s not always easy. Conferences, signings, and other events take a toll. Time away from family, […]

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Website by John Wierenga