Tag Archives | adult fiction

Author Q&A With Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim

Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim is a multi-award-winning author with a psychology, optometry, and microbiology background. She is a dedicated wife and mother to two children. Her literary works range from romantic fiction to memoirs, self-help, and educational nonfiction. Chang-Lim explores human relationships and the resilience of the spirit, crafting narratives that resonate on multiple levels. Her […]

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Author Q&A With Melanie K. Moschella

Melanie is an escapist reader and writer living in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. Her two true passions are parenting and writing—both of which require stamina and creativity, but only one of which allows her to sit down. Despite Melanie’s overpriced English degree from an overrated university, she attributes her debut work, The […]

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Author Q&A With Gloria Galloway

Gloria Galloway was born and raised in Sacramento, California, within driving distance of the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains, which provide the backdrop for Amber’s Way. She is a member of the Authors Guild and the Sacramento chapter of the California Writer’s Club. She is a strong advocate for the Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation and the […]

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4 Benefits of a Book-Based Education

“Formal education gets you a job. Self-education makes you rich.” ~ Jim Rohn There are countless success stories told by millionaires, icons, leaders, athletes, entrepreneurs, celebrities, influencers, professionals, and authors who gained their education from books. Whether they didn’t succeed in a formal teaching environment or didn’t have access to, or the luxury of, traditional […]

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Advice From Pros: Allison Felus

Allison Felus is a twenty-year veteran of the publishing industry, with experience managing workflows and creating efficiencies across editorial and production departments. She has edited and/or prepared for print scores of titles in a variety of genres and is currently a proud resident of Chicago. She is a fantastic, and multitalented human being, podcast host, […]

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State of Redemption

I apologize to all my author and publishing industry friends who’ve sent me books for review the last two weeks. My full attention was absorbed by Richard McKeown’s crime novel, State of Redemption. And when you read it, you’ll know why. The setting—a small town in Vermont—where a decades old murder comes to light amidst […]

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Author Q&A With Glenn Miller

Glenn Miller launched his professional career by working on television soap operas and game shows on the back lots of NBC Burbank. He holds a master’s degree from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and has served as a CBS-affiliate news producer, an executive speechwriter, and creative director at production agencies within the Twin Cities. […]

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Website by John Wierenga