Tag Archives | book craft

How I Became a Screenwriter

Guest Post by Author, Writer, Professor, Editor, and Coach, Dr. Diana Stout I’ve always been a rabid fan of movies, whether on the big screen or small. In the early 1990s, when the internet was new, I was looking for a writer’s online chat room. I fell into Professor Jack Stanley’s Scrnwrit chat room of […]

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Snowy Valentine

Jasper Bunny goes on the hunt for a Valentine’s Day gift for his wife, Lilly. In need of inspiration, he turns to his friends but ends up caught in one trick and trap after another. Until a little bird gives him the answer he seeks, only then Jasper realizes the perfect gift was right in […]

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Author Q&A With Dee Walters

Dee Walters is living in Northern Nevada with her youngest son, workings as an emergency response dispatcher, and writing in her spare time. Her mission is to help individuals with grief and other personal issues they may face. Dee is a compassionate person who authors books to help as many people as possible. She also […]

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The Role of the Writer

Guest Post by Best-Selling Author Joseph Lewis “The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say.” ~ Anais Nin Whenever I read a quote by Anais Nin, I find it thought-provoking as it settles in my head, and I find myself keep coming back […]

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Advice From Pros: Erin Henn from Booksmart Literary Scouting

Booksmart Literary Scouting is a literary scouting agency founded in 2022 and led by Erin Hennicke,  drawing on her 25+ years of industry experience and combining her love of great writing and film/TV. Hennicke began her career in the Subsidiary Rights Department at Viking Penguin, overseeing  domestic/foreign/audio/& film/TV rights, before segueing into the film industry […]

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Awesome Professional Associations for Authors and Writers

Have you ever joined a professional association hoping to gain the secret sauce for success? I have. In my lifetime, and over decades of professional pursuits, I’ve been a member of more associations than I can count. Sometimes, the industry licensure or employer require certain memberships and so you pay the fee, read the literature, […]

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Imposter’s Syndrome

Am I good enough? Should I be doing this? Will anyone like what I’ve created? Ahh, Imposter Syndrome. The inner critic dialogue triggered by self-doubt and criticism. We all experience it, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I recently was asked to speak on a topic near and dear to my heart—writing. Afterwards, I […]

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Website by John Wierenga