I received this book at an odd time in my life—when I didn’t need to lose weight. I’ve been pretty lucky about staying fit; I make it a priority. Still, there have been times in my life when I needed to shed a little or gain a little. But more importantly, I struggle with eating […]
Archive | Books 4 Health
It’s Just a Thought: Emotional Freedom through Deliberate Thinking
This latest release by Thomas Sterner offers practical advice and inspiration for mastering, and elevating, thoughts. How we behave, the impact we have, the outcomes we achieve, and the moods we experience are all tied to our thoughts. Learning to understand and re-program them is integral for manifesting positive change. “Fear and anger are not […]
Talking On Eggshells: Soft Skills for Hard Conversations
When you feel you must dance around someone’s feelings, approach conversations with caution, or constantly avoid poking the bear, you’re talking on eggshells. It’s exhausting and no way to relate to one another. Author, communications expert, and CEO of the Intrigue Agency, Sam Horn, presents the solution capitalizing on her successful communication strategy: “Tongue Fu,” […]
The Eloquence of Silence: Surprising Wisdom in Tales of Emptiness
Author of Care of the Soul, Thomas Moore, humbly presents his most recent book with an introduction that made me a believer. A believer of his promise that “less is more.” By exercising the hard-won lessons he shares throughout this book, I’ve discovered it’s a promise kept. That’s rare. Especially in this age of too […]
Choosing Survival
“How I Endured a Brutal Attack and a Lifetime of Trauma through the Power of Action, Choice, and Self Expression,” is the subtitle of this book by dancer, choreographer, and survivor, Lynn Forney. This statement alone is enough to draw a reader in, especially someone seeking inspiration and hope for life after trauma. The book […]
The Guidance Groove: Escape Unproductive Habits, Trust Your Intuition, and Be True
Author Dr. Carolyn Kurle is a scientist, professor, and researcher who is passionate about helping people increase their personal authenticity and contentment. The Guidance Groove is both a tool and a gift she’s created to help you get unstuck, break free from false mental programming, and follow a gentle and supportive roadmap for navigating the […]
Wild Yoga: A Practice of Initiation, Veneration & Advocacy for the Earth
This is one of those books that really makes you think. It certainly made me think—in all kinds of new ways. I started out reading Wild Yoga by Rebecca Wildbear wondering where she was taking me. It reads much like a journal, and is a bit esoteric and metaphysical, so at first, I balked at […]
6 Picks: Books You Should Read to Transform Your Health
There are new books coming out each day to inspire healthy habits. Many provide us with steps for growing in our fitness endeavors, becoming healthier consumers, understanding the nutrients needed for aging bodies and even teaching us how to combat disease. As busy career professionals you’re already stretched to find time for fitness let alone […]
The Friendly Vegan Cookbook
I don’t cook that much but when I do, it’s vegetarian. I’ve been a vegetarian for twenty-five years, and to be honest, the menu can be limiting. When I came across The Friendly Vegan Cookbook by Toni Okamoto and Michelle Cehn, I was impressed—not only by the variety of tasty recipes, but by the ease […]
Yoga: The Hidden Power of an Age-Old Practice
Sometimes the simplest instructions are the best. Too complicated and it becomes highbrow and intimidating. Regardless of your yoga intellect, fundamental and approachable will meet the reader where they are every time. Yoga is designed to encourage and invite, not rebuff through a haughty diatribe of pretentious discourse. Did you see what I just did? […]