Wow! What a name. If you don’t get the innuendo, Google it or watch “American Pie,” because I’m not going there. But I will tell you this is a book that promises a body like no other, if you focus on the plant-based diet touted within. Author, Jessica Porter, is a macrobiotic chef, cooking instructor, […]
Archive | Books 4 Health
The Yoga Mind: 52 Essential Principles of Yoga Philosophy to Deepen Your Practice
Bilingual yoga teacher, author and motivational speaker, Rina Jakubowicz has put together a weekly plan for deepening yoga practices and further understanding yoga philosophy. This book is ideal for practitioners, students and anyone seeking to understand yoga terminology a little better. It’s not a long laborious read designed to demystify Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, but rather […]
Joyful, Delicious, Vegan: Life Without Heart Disease
For those who have not yet considered adopting a plant-based diet, reading Joyful, Delicious Vegan by Sherra Aguirre will make you think again. Especially women, who tend to have a majority influence on household diets but also are facing a growing battle with heart disease. A little about the author, Sherra Aguirre who has an […]
Autophagy: How to Use Your Body’s Natural Intelligence for Self-Cleansing, Anti-Aging and Rapid Weight Loss
This book by Avery Hansen revealed itself through my search for healthy living. While I’ve heard of intermittent fasting before, I didn’t realize there was a correlation with cellular regeneration—which is something I’m extremely fascinated by. The author shares her personal story and incredible research into the process of encouraging autophagy and how this stage, […]
Healing Trauma with Yoga
Traumatized people chronically feel unsafe within their bodies. Beth Shaw has the answer. Building on personal therapy, her book provides a thoughtful solution to those who are suffering from trauma, looking to become more resilient in their life as well as for yoga practitioners. She begins the book sharing her own personal trauma which led […]
Radical Longevity: The Powerful Plan to Sharpen Your Brain, Strengthen Your Body and Reverse the Symptoms of Aging
This book is intense. But I want to add, in a good way. Here you have an expert on health and wellbeing that is embracing the idea of aging gracefully. I love it. Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, approaches head on the notion that we can live to a hundred and beyond in vibrancy, if […]
Eight Weeks to Optimum Health
I’m probably one of Dr. Andrew Weil’s biggest fans. Or maybe I should say, one of his first fans. When I was quite young, I was honored to attend a small launch party for one of his upcoming books. Being that there were only ten people there, and I was the only guest (my sister’s […]
Heal Yourself: A Return to Wholeness – The Integration of Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit
Michelle Fondin bares her soul in this thoughtful guide to healing. She shares her personal struggle with her mother’s limiting beliefs, her fight with cancer and the obstacles she’s faced on her path to balance, wholeness and peace in her life. Yet this is not a story of Fondin’s life. While she does share her […]
Electric Body, Electric Health: Using the electromagnetism within (and around) you to rewire, recharge and raise your voltage
I love a resource that guides readers through a process of understanding how to use what is already within to achieve a better state of being. This book by Eileen Day McKusick is one of those rare books that offers a new way of looking at our ‘wiring’ and how we can tap into our […]
Hypno-Mindfulness Made Easy
This latest release by author and hypnotherapist Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D. challenges you to consider how success is all in the mind. In other words, the powerful and complex network of your mental engagement holds the key to your outcomes. First, you’re introduced to the way the mind works and how thoughts are to be held […]