Tag Archives | Adult Non-Fiction

Hypno-Mindfulness Made Easy

This latest release by author and hypnotherapist Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, Ph.D. challenges you to consider how success is all in the mind. In other words, the powerful and complex network of your mental engagement holds the key to your outcomes. First, you’re introduced to the way the mind works and how thoughts are to be held […]

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Good Reads for Your Career

The next time you visit the professional development section of your local bookstore, you might just feel a little overwhelmed. There are so many good reads out there it’s not only difficult to choose the most relevant tomes but it is challenging to keep up with the latest and greatest jargon, assessments and innovative strategies. […]

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Applied Empathy: New Language of Leadership

“Empathy is about understanding, seeing the world from other points of view and helping form insights that can lead us to new and better ways of thinking, being and doing.” So says Michael Ventura, author of Applied Empathy and founder of Sub Rosa, a strategy and design firm that helps complex corporations and progressive thinkers […]

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Redefining Realness

Born a boy. Knowing you’re a girl. This was the lifetime struggle of Janet Mock whose life was forever changed again and again; but when her story was shared in the May 2011 issue of Marie Claire magazine, it took on a whole new meaning. After struggling her entire life with sharing her trans identity […]

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Website by John Wierenga