Tag Archives | book craft

The Power of Habit

This is one of the books everyone should have on their bookshelf. Personal and professional success support aside, the deep dive into why you do what you do is worth the read. But getting back to success, Charles Duhigg’s bestseller, is the key to unlocking permanent and positive change in anyone’s life at any time. […]

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Author Q&A With Susanna Ashton

Susanna Ashton teaches at Clemson University in South Carolina and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. A former Fellow both at Yale and Harvard as well as a Fulbright scholar, her work has appeared in both scholarly and popular venues. Meet Susanna: What is your most recent book and what inspired you to […]

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Celebrating Women Authors

Most people recognize the outstanding achievements of women during the month of March. But August also boasts its share of special days for women. August 9th is National Women’s Day; August 13th is Women’s and Family Day; and August 26th is Women’s Equality Day. Yes, while it’s worth celebrating and honoring women all year long, […]

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6 Creative Gifts for the Kid in You

No one outgrows their love of fun—at least, I sure hope not. So, why not embrace it? Time for creative expression vastly improves one’s health. You don’t need to spend your time producing a work of art, rather, a leisurely fifteen minutes or so with Crayola and a coloring page is enough to provide a […]

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Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues

Bestselling author, Kelli Miller, is back on the publishers’ list with a how-to book on proactively solving relationship issues. As a couple’s therapist, she’s seen it all. And her latest book Love Hacks, while not a substitute for therapy, is an excellent supplement filled with proven strategies to help couples both mend wounds and reconnect […]

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Website by John Wierenga